Short Arcs
These are games spanning a few episodes. Not quite a full story or campaign - more like a chapter.
These are games spanning a few episodes. Not quite a full story or campaign - more like a chapter.
Expanse RPG Quickstart (2019)
Expanse RPG Quickstart (2019)
We explored the Quickstart materials for The Expanse RPG, playing the included scenario.
Numenera - Duet (2019)
Numenera - Duet (2019)
This is a duet game with Santiago playing and Rainy as the game master.
Eberron - Duet (2018)
Eberron - Duet (2018)
We used the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron 5e materials to create a short duet adventure featuring Santiago as a player and Rainy as the DM.
Call of Cthulhu - Duet (2018)
Call of Cthulhu - Duet (2018)
We learned to play Call of Cthulhu through a duet adaptation of "The Haunting" and "Amidst Ancient Trees" scenarios from the core books.